High School: Velma-Alma High School
Played in 3 consecutive State Championships (1998-2001)
2001 Area Player of the Year and 2001 All-State Infielder
College: Lacy Darity is a 2007 graduate of Oklahoma State University where she played softball for 4 years. Darity was a 3 year starter and in 2006 was named the Big XII Tournament All-Tournament Shortstop. She finished her career in the top 10 for career stolen base and stolen base percentage. In 2015, Lacy went back to school to earn her Sports Administration Masters from East Central University.
Coaching Career:
Lacy Darity began her coaching career at Yukon where she was an assistant from 2008-2012 and a member of the staff when Yukon won the state championship in 2010. From there she returned to her Alma Mater as the head coach for Velma-Alma from 2012-2015. Most recently, Coach Darity was the head coach at Deer Creek High School from 2016-2019 and leaves Deer Creek with a record of 72-31.
2018-2019 6A State Tournament Coach
2018 Region 13 Coach of the Year
2018 District Coach of the Year
2010 6A State Champion Coach
All Big XII Shortstop – Oklahoma State
Academic All Big XII – Oklahoma State
Multi-Sport State Champion
Multi-Sport All Stater